Thursday, December 17, 2009

A childhood conversation

"we were three of us..julie,ashwin,veera..we sat in the same bench ,studying 4 standard..created a logo for ourselves and a dream for three of us..

it was to create a airport...ashwin builds the port with civil work as civil engineer..i take care of planes as aeronautic engineer..julie does the legal stuff and lawyer..

after nearly twenty years looking back...we havent built a airport yet! :)..but built ourselves for what we wanted to be...i choose to be electronic engineer rather than aeronautic..ashwin choose to be computer science engineer...julie is a lawyer...dream does happen :)..."

"SO NOW WE HAD ANOTHER CONVERSATION !!!....................................................."

Biography of Alexander Graham Bell

It was a easy to read book "Biography of Alexander Graham Bell " it was inspiring to learn abt Alex sir :)..

I brought this book in Halifax in the Maritime Museum which holds the remains of titanic..i brought few things related to titanic and SS Atlantic too..

Coming to the Alex sir life..most beautiful thing is he achieved success in both this career and personal life...rarely someone does so strong research and falls in love..goes behind everywhere! :)...thats too hard for me...he has wonderfully balanced both! to marry someone whom u love is itself a achievement[falling in love is itself a achievement for me!]...

His wife as hearing challenged..he was her teacher and to be correct she was the one who showed Alex sir to the world! ...that's why they say "behind every man's victory there is a woman"..

Look at his inventions god!..from biomedical t0 telecommunications to aero...its told that his invention is used in the planes even now..he invented a machine to identify bullet which gets into body..along side of Wright brothers..Alex sir society created so many inventions in aviation..

Thanks for the book !..Thanks Alex sir for telling few stories indirectly to me!..

Stephen Hawkings beautiful question !

Always believed that answer to the ultimate..grand unified theory will be on uniting micro and the macro levels...i was excited to hear that the same belief was responsible for answering the big bang..

Hawkings question if i m right on technical terms-what happens when atom enters the black hole.. sucha beautiful mind :) linking both extremes that unrevealed the mysteries of universe....

I was very happy to read hawkings proof -> for the existence of the another time plane..and existing of infinite universes...reading all this i just feel "zero" has something extraordinary abt it..lets see..

Hope that theoretical physicist like him and great human are created more in this world...

Gods purest creation "Stephen Hawkings "

Monday, December 07, 2009

[Great battles] Veera Vs Pressure Cooker - Flashback

For some reason my great battle with pressure cooker came to my memory .

"It was late evening when i decided to engage my enemy with heavy artillery -2 cups of dal but unfortunately with too much of gun powder-water . Added to that my less efficient multiprocessing brain forgot that...

It had warned me many times whistling not to engage in the desert area-stove...but i was doing something...after a long time..nothing happened..silence...oh god i have forgotten realized...

As i am a warrior[ :) love to say that !]...never gave up..i decided to remove the weight from its head..thinking it was dead..

oh god..oh god!it was ambush....its was pushing steam like anything...i thought its gonna explode..frightened..stood i..didnt give up..stood my ground..gonna explode ???..

luckily it ran out of steam...i stood was small battlefield-kitchen cum it was battle where i learned...another day to live :)