Saturday, December 25, 2010

Art of Love

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Let me write something powerful on "Love" .
"Love is supreme energy even more powerful than knowledge for it knows no barriers . Unleashing unconditional love is achieved through fine balance of emotional overflow from heart and mind's knowledge to channel this supreme flow . Giver and getter has to be in proper wavelength nor smaller or greater than the other - understanding this trivial fact of interdependency will lead to ego less and self less transfer of energy
- henceforth created the energy to heal , create , give life is born - A true love !
Emotions in general are not classified or clearly described by human due to the basic fact -pure emotion is complete entity of heart and the computing part -mind has minimal play to role .Lets attempt to interpret the love flow process .
Sensitivity and feeling : 
Have you felt the following ?
              - When your very close person is going through difficult situation even though you are miles know something is not right ? are restless ?.. mind disturbed ..
              -  Have you felt a animal or a person going through pain which you havent seen..suddenly something makes you turn to that direction ..
             - You are in pain..agony..plead for help..feel as though you are in desert..suddenly a person offers help..its looks as though the person has jumped from heaven like a angel...
Untouched touch ... :
" Flow occurs when the receiver accepts what giver gives...
 This can be best explained by an example..stretch our arms for a hug..or touch..or when u kiss a baby..slow as you reach...we notice if the receiver reaches for it..well before the connection receiver feels what giver is giving and its intensity as well...sometimes they cry well before that "untouched touch"..
LOVE !!! :
Once the connection[ability to radiate infinite love will write another article] is established there is no receiver...two souls unite in the purest flow of love between them . Unity between themselves will give them the understanding and vision of the functioning of the universe as they feel the harmony within the self , partner and the creator . Self love and universal love are symmetrical to this structure .