Courtesy : news/APJAbdulKalam.jpg
"I was priviledged for working in a research which was closely associated with kalam sir . I had small stint research with his only phd doctor till now George sir .If you wanna know on george sir
Kalam sir and george sir george sir used to tell me...they both used to walk early in the morning around anna university campus then president election wasnt held..
"The legend" asked george sir a simple question .. what will you do suppose you are mining ..and find a huge mountain in between ..answer might be illogical but focus on your mind said many engineering..go around ..or closest we cld get was..cave a huge hole ...
Kalam sir..answered..."Blast the mountain " ...such brute aggressive mind...which is the key to creation and innovation .. when one uses these words only thing comes to mind is problems..and the answer he gives is this...blast it !"
I hope sharing this information will be helpful for many innovators around the world.