I made a mistake lost my cool...when a verbal fight broke out....maybe it made me realize how much I have changed ...whatever be the reasons I have a lost the lessons of sustaining sharp angry....I react to words which is better off to be ignored...or just walk away from it....
Mentally there is so many thoughts...creating stress and when trying to control those might not be right..
I try to practise like the old times...zero.mediation...no mind...sustain pressure and in the sharp.moments control angry...
I am always tryin not to control or enforce any thing or belief on anybody...let them flow...never build a dam to stop..rather rechannel...
Learnt that more than words its the tone always that destructs...
Any outburst of anger destroys others ..more than that it affects me ..more..I feel a great lose of energy...always be aware of others outburst can disturb the balance...be alert not to be disturbed by it..
No mind...sustain the energy within..balance..channel..